Becoming a documentor

Paddy, Shipwrecks, Nusa Lembongan, 1999

After a year in college I decided to postpone going to study at university, partly because, by taking the extra year to do my foundation, I had missed the last chance to get a grant to cover my university fees and the idea of getting into debt for something I wasn’t sure about scared the hell out of me, but mostly because my best mates were planning a trip to Bali for the winter and, having missed the Australia trip the year before I wasn’t going to miss this one.

By this time I was thoroughly in love with photography, having spent my final term i the darkroom and I packed my trusty Pentax P30. Becoming the documentor of the group was a natural role for me and despite being technically terrible photgrapher (I still am fairly untechnical!) I love some of these photos looking back.

The opening above photograph was made with Paddy’s new, fancy panoramic water camera he’d got for Christmas that year. That’s Paddy in the picture, sitting in the dawn light at Shipwrecks in Nusa Lembongan, a small island off Bali. The below images were taken on my Pentax (click to enlarge).


Oh, snowboarding!


35mm love